Helpful Tips to Make Your Motorcycle Tires Last Longer
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Some people believe that once you choose and purchase new tires for your motorcycle, you can forget about them for a while. However, this isn’t the case.
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Some people believe that once you choose and purchase new tires for your motorcycle, you can forget about them for a while. However, this isn’t the case.
Choosing the right tires for your motorcycle is essential to your enjoyment of your bike and your safety while you ride.
The tires are the main support point of our motorcycle. Once they wear out, they lose grip, which can be very dangerous. During rainy seasons, the braking distance is lengthened, so the motorcycle skids more and you run the risk of skidding and falling. That’s why it’s important to know when to replace the tires of your motorcycle.
Winterizing your bike is an essential process to maintaining your bike and ensuring it'll be ready for spring! Follow these quick and simple steps to help prepare your bike as you store it away for the winter.
Here are the five things to know about motorcycle tires.